Content is king…but I make sure YOU wear the crown.

SayQuoi Coaching Clients Get:

✅ Personalized content creation, marketing, and ideation framework.

✅ A deep dive into their branding and messaging; positioning them as the go-to in their field(s).

✅ Consecutive, weekly 1:1’s with me, where I break down industry secrets and proven theorems and apply it all to their unique businesses.

✅ Proven social media marketing strategies tailor-made to suit not only what works and what will scale, but fits their lifestyle.

✅ Actionable steps they can walk away from our sessions and implement that day to see results.

Take the best parts of what makes you, YOU; and turn them into socials that scale.

SayQuoi Social Media Management Takes Care of:

✅ Consistent and effective content curation and creation across the top-performing platforms available to you.

✅ Community management in YOUR BRAND VOICE, that will make followers fall in love with who you are and what you do.

✅ A content hub, scheduling, and posting system that works like a well-oiled machine that you can be as involved with as you like. Reclaim your time!

✅ An open line of transparent communication with me on a weekly basis for any questions, analysis, notes, or creative inspiration as it comes. (And it WILL COME. I’m your Social Media and Creative Sis!)

✅ Getting your content in front of the folks it’ll impact the most!

Check out these receipts!